The Edward’s, attribute to my beloved father Edward, and to my family’s history. Our Mission is to always emphasize the Edwards spirit, ambiance, and values. We make sure to serve the best quality.
Even though no one can see behind the scenes in the kitchen, but THE EDWARDS spirit is even though filling the kitchen. Everyone is another family member and everyone is smiling, it’s a standard at the Edwards. Our kitchen is full of our chefs creating our splendid and tested recipes which are always made sure to have the highest quality and most exciting. According to the A.S.L (Approved Standard List), we insist on providing the correct quality and quantity. So, Freshness and quality is a guarantee, and with the feeling of a home-cooked meal, nothing is better than the food at the Edward’s.

First envisioned was a French-style bakery/lounge a small yet homely boulangerie, with freshly baked pastries, and warm sweet aromas, a direct influence to our homemade baked goodies
Chez Edy then fully blossomed as a restaurant café concept, in 2 locations in 2009 the first at Genina Mall and the other at the Oasis food court, showing great potential, Tasty, safe, enjoyable, and consistent food, in a comfortable, fun, warm and courteous environment, where our staff will wait at your call to offer you, and your company, prompt friendly service every time you visit. Our staff is trained to meet international standards of quality of food and service; working around the clock to provide you with the exceptional dining experience you were promised.
OUR Staff
Our staff is our valuable investment and valuable resource, they are carefully selected, highly trained, periodically evaluated. We always work on maximizing their potential to optimize efficiency and productivity and to guarantee that they will maintain professionalism in running the business.